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Collision Festival 2020 POSTPONED

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Collision Festival 2020 POSTPONED

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Billetto Peace of Mind
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Collision Festival 2020 is an art and performance festival in the center of Jakobstad @ Nygårds Workshop. The event is postponed until further notice due to covid-19. 

 ◦18.00 Doors Open
at Nygårds Workshop (Ottomalmsgatan 3)Vernissage exhibition of Sanna Hakkarainen
and Anita Mezzanotte
◦19.00 Jonathan Bäckström
Solo bass concert
◦20.00 Collision art collective
SENSES a performance about restrictions
◦21.00 03SIDIAN
Live electronics
Read more about the artists: https://www.instagram.com/collisionfestival2020/


Collision Art Collective started as a performance group founded by Jenni Österlund and Jonathan Bäckström in 2018. The goal at the time was to combine their practises: visual arts and music, in performances and events. In 2020 the group grew as sound artist Michele Ucceddu and graphic designer Sara Östman joined to produce the first ever Collision Festival in Jakobstad, Finland, in 2021.

Collision Art Collective is interested in cross-cultural and multidisciplinary meetings through art. By bringing together artists and cultural workers with different backgrounds, we strive to find new ways of interaction and create platforms where inspiration and new collaborations can sprout. We have a passion for bridging genre-specific, geographical or socio-cultural limitations in art. Our goal is to have a positive impact on our surroundings by contributing to maintaining a rich cultural life, also in smaller towns and more sparsely populated areas.

Collision Art Collective has worked actively to develop collaborations with various art and culture associations in Sardinia since 2019. One of the associations’ goals is to continue exploring these collaborations and over time expand the network so that it in the future could create a natural transfer of art and culture between the areas. Our main partners in Sardinia at the moment are art association Ottovolante Sulcis (Sant’Antioco) and the record label and electronic music collective Supranu Records, based in Sardinia and Ostrobothnia. Michele Uccheddu of Collision Art Collective is also the founder of Supranu Records. In addition to releasing new electronic music, Supranu Records also organizes an annual electronic music festival at Sant’Antioco. In August 2022 Collision Art Collective participated in the program of the festival Music For Future with workshops, live art and dj-sets.


Nygårds workshop Nygårds workshop, Otto Malminkatu 3, 68600 Pietarsaari


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